2024, will it really be an A.I. show?

From this article posted on the PIE news, It’s intriguing to get a sneak peek into the predictions for the international education landscape in 2024. Amit Sevak’s notion of celebrating human intelligence as opposed to the focus on AI in 2023 is a refreshing perspective. The expected paradigm shifts in how we learn and work, driven by leadership, AI, skills, and mindfulness, hint at significant changes ahead. It’s noteworthy that elections, both in the US and globally, are anticipated to influence education policies, underlining the interconnectedness of politics and education.

The article sheds a spotlight on immigration policies and their impact on student flows, with Canada potentially becoming a more attractive destination, raises questions about the role of these policies in shaping international education. The concerns regarding funding, student unrest, and the perceived value of degrees resonate with the ongoing challenges faced by educational institutions worldwide. Real leadership and innovative solutions will be vital in navigating these changes.

Lil Bremermann-Richard’s perspective on the value of international students to the UK economy and society sheds light on the intricacies of immigration policies. The decision to ban family members from accompanying international students on UK-taught master’s courses starting in 2024 is a contentious issue, with varying opinions within the sector. Ron Carson’s insights about the intensifying competition for international students and the importance of data-driven approaches and online learning in the future of education are thought-provoking. What are your thoughts on these predictions? Share your opinions and predictions!

#Education2024 #InternationalStudents #LeadershipInEducation #HigherEdTrends


Mark Milford @markmilfordme